Saturday, April 4, 2009

Litter Pick Up Was Great Success at Stoddart Avenue Community Garden

Today was Litter Pick-Up Day at Stoddart Avenue Community Garden. We had six adult and five youth volunteers. We had anticipated that we would only spend about 45 minutes picking up the litter, but the kids were very energized by digging out bricks and stones, so we stayed a little longer. (You can see from the group shot that brownies were available for a sugar break).

The kids (with help from Dwain P) dug out enough rocks and bricks for form a line 77 feet long along Cherry Street. (I should have taken a picture). We plan to recycle the bricks and stones by incorporating them into the Garden’s design and to support the rain barrels (donated by Rain Brothers). There were also a fair amount of worms (which is a great sign for the future of the Garden). There was even a suggestion that we should incorporate into the Garden the tire which the kids dug out of the site. Betty W told me that she saw a garter snake. (We'll let it be).

Once we started cleaning up the lot this morning, neighbors stopped by to wish us well, pitch in and sign up for the Garden. Just what we hoped.

Weather permitting, we will need a lot more volunteers on April 18 & 19 to dig out the construction debris which Bill G unearths during tilling (assuming the Garden is dry enough during the week after Easter to till) and, if time, to spread the donated compost and mulch. Save the date!! (Team Home Depot might be able to help on April 17 and 20). Rain dates are April 25 and 26.

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