While we at the SACG wait for the evening temperatures to reliably stay above 50 degrees so that we can plant our peppers, tomatoes and other summer seedlings, the Franklin Park Neighborhood Block Watch (FPNBW) began a beautification project across the street on Stoddart Avenue. The FPANBW has sponsored a couple of litter pick-ups along Stoddart Avenue in the last month, including this morning. Co-Chair Susan mowed grass along the median. They also licensed the lot across the street from the SACG from the City of Columbus for a beautification project. They broke ground this morning for a small bed of perennial flowers.
Watching them break the sod up with nothing but sweat and shovels, I offered them the use of the SACG roto-tiller, which had been donated to us last year by the Cougar Group. Frank went to pick it up. As pictured, Rick made good use of it to break up the sod for the new flower bed (with Co-Chair Barb waiting with a watering can and the SACG in the background).
Luckily, the tiller was available for them because I had earlier promised it for the new community garden sponsored by First English Lutheran Church further down Main Street. The First English garden is directly behind the East Main Street Police Station, along the alley. However, it because difficult for them to schedule a pick up time and they ended up passing on it just this morning. This was good news for the Block Watch.
Of course, Barb and I could not help but agree that it would be great to have a bench near those trees to have a shady place to sit when we've been working in the hot sun at the SACG. (If you've never been there, we have no shade at the SACG; it's all sun all the time).
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