Monday, October 7, 2013

Stink Bug or Squash Bug - Can you tell the difference?

The local media is obsessing over stink bugs.  They look like our detested squash bugs, but they are different.  While squash bugs eat squash and cucumbers, stink bugs will attack tomatoes. I conducted some research and the difference is very obvious in the nymphs.  Squash bug nymphs are white and stink bug nymphs look like weird ladybugs.  I've seen them and didn't know I should kill them.  Now and I do and so will you.  Here's a very useful article from the University of Maryland:

Many of us have at least a few squash or pumpkin plants in the garden which means most of us have encountered squash bugs. Some gardeners are seeing this pest but believe they are brown marmorated stink bugs. Here are four photos to help you learn the difference in the appearance of the adults, egg masses, and recently hatched immature forms of these pests. In any case- SQUISH, STOMP, and KILL! (Read more about squash bugs)
Adult brown marmorated stink bugAdult squash bug
Adult brown marmorated stink bug Adult squash bug
BMSB eggs and nymphsSquash bug with eggs
Brown marmorated stink bugs eggs and nymphs (photo by M. Raupp)
 Squash bug eggs and nymphs
 For more information on squash bug see our [U of Maryland]  plant diagnostic website and the pest section of this website.  Find out more about brown marmorated stink bugs on the HGIC website.
- See more at:

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