Sunday, April 26, 2015

Good News, Bad News

Well, we were going to finish off our major Earth Day projects today.  But someone forgot about the Clippers’ game.  Sigh. However, Neal recruited us another strong, burly guy to help us little old ladies with the heavy lifting.   So, we are going to regroup tomorrow, on Monday, to finally raise the rain tank.  Hopefully, we’ll also have time to weed one of the food pantry plots and plant some greens, kale, lettuce and peas.  If we’re lucky, we’ll also turn the materials in the compost bin.

Today was not a total loss.  When I arrived, Mari had already completely weeded her plot, which means that she may be planning to stay after all.   Neal emptied our overflowing trash can and finished weeding his plot.  Rayna was also already helping Giovanni and Kae-Kae prepare their raised bed and plant it with beets, cabbage, and greens, etc.  I helped fill another bed.  Shae also worked with Rayna to plant in the raised bed that she and her brother Chris will share.

Raya was super busy.  She weeded and planted in about a third of her plot, finished removing the extra fence in her plot and transplanted more raspberry seedlings. 

Amy stopped by on her bike and observed how much better the Garden looks in bright sunlight compared to our cloudy Saturday.   I couldn’t agree more.  Today, I took pictures of the projects we completed on Saturday since they didn't look so good in poor light.

Barb stopped by to report that she and Frank had planted our last cherry tree, but it needed watering.  Gio and Kae-Kae took care of that.  

Instead of turning around and going home, I gave new gardener John and his wife a tour of the SACG.  I removed raspberry bushes from a food pantry plot, hoed it and then planted potatoes, onions, beets, carrots and turnips.   While picking seeds, I was able to enjoy the convenience of having our new picnic table near the shed.  I sat at the table and looked through our seed cache.  The girls followed suit.  I also enlarged one of the blueberry turrets. When I got hungry, I realized that three hours had gone by and it was time to leave.
Even though Zion wasn't there today, I realized that I had forgotten a cute story about him.  Inside the shed, I keep a map of the Garden reflecting plot assignments and a chart reflecting chore assignments.  Zion was very upset that I only included him on the plot map and not the chore chart.  He claimed that I had renamed him (his mother's name).  He insisted that I include him on the chore chart, too.  I'm sure his mother will be very glad to hear that.

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