Gardeners’ participation is subject to the SACG Garden Rules as well as some rules by the City of Columbus (prohibiting, for instance, being in the Garden at night, and bringing alcohol onto Garden property, etc.). Gardeners are also encouraged to donate a portion of their produce to area food pantries and shelters, like Faith Mission, Lutheran Social Services and the Salvation Army.
Joining the SACG is not terribly time consuming, but Gardeners should plan to help set out the Garden on Saturday, April 6, 2013 (with a rain date on Saturday, April 13, 2013) and to close the Garden (probably on Saturday, November 9, 2013). Gardeners should also volunteer for three chores to perform for one month over the summer (like watering flowers, tending the food pantry plot, pulling weeds in the paths, mowing our lawn, picking up litter, etc.) We will start working at 9:30 a.m. on April 6, 2013 to spread compost, flip the compost bins, improve the compost bins, spread wood chips on the Garden paths and around the fence rows, till the ground (weather permitting), move some raised beds and possibly hang/move some fence. The more the merrier because many hands make light work. You need not reserve a plot if you would just like to volunteer. We are thrilled that OSU students will be joining us as part of their Pay-It-Forward week. Pizza will be supplied by Bexley Pizza Plus.
As in past years, a gazillion free Botanical Interest seeds are being donated by one of my fellow knitwits from Christ Lutheran Church. Gardeners and volunteers may help themselves at the end of our April 6, 2013 work day and begin planting as soon as the ground is tilled and staked out. (However, that early in the year, I only recommend planting potatoes, onions, leeks, peas, lettuce, kale, spinach and greens). I’ll be starting pepper seeds this weekend and will share any extra seedlings with gardeners come May.
So, if you or someone you know likes to get your hand dirty and grow your own food, you are welcome to join us at the SACG. Plots will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis, with preference being given to gardeners from last year who volunteered at the opening and closing work days. AND, although there are no guarantees, the Farmer's Almanac is NOT predicting a drought for Central Ohio this year. Happy Days!
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