Julie from Rebuilding Together called me yesterday and here is the low-down:
1) Councilperson Priscilla Tyson is the brainchild of this program.
2) The City will loan produce community gardens located on City Land Bank lots a rain water tank and other equipment. There are two sizes of tanks (i.e., 330 and 550 gallon). All of the tanks are black. The City will retain ownership of the tanks and equipment. Community gardens located on private property are not eligible for this program. Flower gardens are also not eligible. Eligible community gardens must be in at least their second growing season; first-year community gardens are not eligible to apply.
3) The equipment being loaned includes a solar-powered pump, hoses and a bibb lock. This will mean that we can run a hose from the tank directly into the garden and will no longer need to haul watering cans back and forth from the garden to our tank. Is that cool, or what? The equipment needs to be returned to Rebuilding Together at the end of each growing season and can be picked up at the beginning of the next growing season.
4) The tanks will be labeled as City property and that the water is non-potable (i.e., not safe to drink).
5) Three members/officers of the community garden must sign-on as responsible parties. This will involve providing your drivers’ license number.
6) Gardens must complete and submit a non-profit organization application to the Tool Library.
7) Gardens must also provide a soil sample, which will be tested by OSU for, among other things, lead. (In other words, these gardens will receive free soil testing as part of this program). The details of this are still unclear.
8) The program will only cover 30-35 gardens.
9) Rain Brothers will be providing and installing the tanks and equipment.
10) This program will also pay for Rain Brothers to fill the tank one time. In other words, you don’t have to wait for it to rain before the tank will be filled for you at no charge.
11) There will be some delays because of how the City is reimbursing Rebuilding Together, but the program will be administered over 2012 and 2013. They hope to start delivering tanks to eligible gardens by the end of July.
12) Questions and inquiries should be directed to Rebuilding Together at 258-6392.
13) A formal press release will be coming.
It’s possible that I have forgotten some details, but you can obtain the information for yourself from the Tool Library. Happy watering!