With a new decade comes new leadership at the Stoddart Avenue Community Garden. Your recently retired Garden Manager is making one last post to thank you for assisting and contributing to the success of Stoddart Avenue Community Garden. Community gardening is often exhausting, frustrating and relentless because it always involves a lot of work and challenges. We could not have accomplished all that we did without your generous support. As we start to prepare for the 2020 season, we wanted to share some of our great memories over last summer.
For our annual Earth Day celebration the following week, we planted a honeycrisp apple tree (to go with our McIntosh, Jonathon and Granny Smith trees planted last Fall). Our Stoddart/East Main corner looked cheery with bulbs planted in December which had been donated by Strader’s Garden Centers and distributed at the December GCGC holiday party meeting at the Conservatory. We also weeded, transplanted, replenished potting soil in the platform raised beds, spread mulch donated by Ohio Mulch and Keep Columbus Beautiful, painted our rain barrel, tidied the strawberry patch, made progress on the northern side of the Garden for our fence straightening project, spread compost, planted grass, and prepared garden beds.
In June, we also had help from neighborhood children and visiting volunteers at Urban Connections’ annual summer day camp who came twice that week to help us pick cherries and berries to donate to the Salvation Army on East Main Street. This year, Urban Connections received a Neighborhood Partnership grant from the Columbus Foundation and the United Way of Central Ohio to work with the SACG on their camp theme of Growing Together in Christ, which included lessons on planting, harvesting and water at the SACG, despite the rainy weather. We had a bumper crop this year of tart pie cherries, so we needed all of the help we could get.
OSU and Capital students came in August and September, respectively, to help us plant our Fall crops of beets, turnips, lettuce and radishes. Although the Capital students were mostly rained out, the OSU students helped us to water, weed, harvest, mow, picked up litter and reorganized our shed.
OSU students returned at the end of October (after our first frost) to help tear down the Garden, cut back and bag the dead corn and bean stalks and tomato vines, stack the tomato cages and trellises, prune raspberry brambles, harvest our pathetic sweet potato crop, clean out the neighbor and melon beds, mow, etc.
It was again freakishly cold for our closing day in November, but we had a great turnout and got everything cleaned up and put away for the winter.
We are only able to overcome our various challenges because of the generosity, well wishes and material support from generous folks like you. Thanks again and feel free to stop by and mock us while we work.